February 27, 2025
1. White Town Brewery - Your local Mircrobrewery
The new microbrewery of Elassona

How It All Started

Somewhere in late 2021, gathered for the usual weekend beer in Elassona, and certainly not in a completely sober state, the idea of ​​releasing our own fresh craft beer had come up. Just so that we could enjoy it both at home and out. This idea, from a joke of the moment, slowly began to be discussed in a more serious manner and when, after a while, financing was lined up, it went from a joke to a “business plan” for a Microbrewery – kind of, as we are still in cafes and bars for meetings and writing on napkins…

Who We Are

First of all, none of us knew how to brew! We were all experts in how to raise a glass and consume all kinds of beer 😊 So the 3 of us: Apostolis, the mechanical engineer who since he was a little boy dreamed of fighting with suppliers, so that someday they would manage to bring the Brewery’s machines; Vasilis, the former banker who said stop to Excel and decided to turn to beer for a better, less sober, future; and Thanos, the civil engineer of the group who had a vision of building a metal building, in the middle of nowhere outside our town, so that he could argue with every possible construction crews.

So all 3 of us, together from elementary school until today, began this journey with, almost, more questions than answers…

White Town Brewery

The Original Beer

What kind of beer do we want to make?…and then chaos. Crowd responses and almost no meaningful answers. After joking, arguing and after a lot of immaturity, getting serious, after a few days we decided that as a first sample we would like a fresh, sparkling, unfiltered Pilsner beer! (applause and all that…!). A type of beer that all 3 of us consume quite a lot of, but also covers a wide range of beer lovers in general.

With that in mind, we began the scientific research for the recipe we would follow… 10-15 types of Pilsner beers swallowed one night later, we had a relatively good idea of ​​what we wanted to make. Although initially the beer was brewed at a third party Brewery, over time the beer has been constantly improving and with the entry of our own Brewer, we are almost (always ‘almost’ 😊) ready to crystallize it! (A separate article about the Brewer will follow – stay tuned).

For the name, literally months of discussions and deliberations passed, not only among ourselves, but also with friends and acquaintances. Obviously, we didn’t end up anywhere… The story is long, with many rearrangements, legal problems and obstacles, changes in the official name of both the beer and the Microbrewery itself. Because this is theoretically an introductory article only, and not a script for a series about corporate chaos, a separate article will follow, both for the names and the logo.

For the present article, it suffices to mention that after all of the above, we ended up with the name Lazy Mules, with a logo of 3 cute little mules, under the peak of Mountain Olympus, Mytikas. Mules, laziness, Olympus, Elassona I guess you understand that this particular name seemed to be unavoidable, considering that the name theoretically represents the location and the DNA not only of the product but also of those involved 😊

Οκ, σε ένα (λίγο) πιο σοβαρό πλαίσιο, η μπίρα που πήρε σάρκα και οστά ονομάζεται Lazy Mules, μια γερμανική Pilsner με βαθμούς αλκοόλ στο 4,9%, IBU στο 21, σε 2 συσκευασίες γυάλινων φιαλών 330 & 500ml, καθώς και βαρέλι. Η παρακάτω περιγραφή της που ακολουθεί είναι πέρα ως πέρα αληθινή και πραγματική, για αυτό και συνοδεύει και τη μπίρα στο eshop μας, αλλά δεν θα ακούσετε ποτέ κανέναν από τους 3 μας να μιλάει με αυτόν τον τρόπο..

The German hops used add spicy, herbal and slightly fruity aromas. With four different types of malt, the beer acquires a rich structure and flavour, while the light bitterness is balanced by a pleasant sweet aftertaste. Fresh and sparkling Lazy Mules retains its predominantly blonde colour, presenting a mild, earthy texture.

Microbrewery’s HQ Location

Here we could start by saying that our goal was for the Microbrewery to be located in a place where it would combine Mount Olympus on its horizon in the Northeast, the plain of Elassona in its South and be connected with the national road network. Although all of the above are true, the honest answer is that the Brewery is being built on the 4th km of Elassona-Deskati, next to the village of Agioneri, because there we happened to have an abandoned field and we were able to use it for this holy purpose!

The video below (Instagram) shows the foundation of the building, but when it’s ready, you guessed it, another article will follow.


Lazy Mules HQ

OK, there is a lot to come, but the work is continuous and we hope that in a few months we will be able to open the doors of the Brewery to all those who have embraced and supported a new Greek small brewery, to those who want to see and taste a local beer born with quality and freshness in mind, and to those passersby who would like to meet us in person, and basically….to everyone!! Everyone is welcome to visit us and lazily drink a Lazy Mules together.

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